原创 皮肤病理英文专著读书报告(3)–雄激素源性脱发(续)
2017年11月16日 【健康号】 潘卫利     阅读 10467

工作日每天早上7:30~8:00, 浙江省人民医院皮肤科的医生们就开始英文专著早读会。我们发布中英文报告,有兴趣的医生可以和我们一起学习。

工作日每天早上7:30~8:00, 浙江省人民医院皮肤科的医生们就开始英文专著早读会。我们发布中英文报告,有兴趣的医生可以和我们一起学习。

Histologically, terminal hairsprogressively transform to vellus hairsFigs 22.49,22.50.There is adecrease in the size of the dermal papilla, bulb size, and hair shaft diameter.Although the total hair count is normal, it will appear reduced if the count istaken at the junction of the dermis and subcutaneous fat, since by definitionterminal hairs are diminished in number. Even though these changes may also beseen in vertical sections (Fig. 22.51), they are more difficult to interpretand quantify.


Androgenic alopecia: almost all hairfollicles are miniaturized and sebaceous glands appear prominent. Masson'strichrome stain.

雄性脱发:几乎所有的毛囊是小型化和皮脂腺显得突出。 Masson三色染色。

Androgenicalopecia, follicular unit: the miniaturization process is complete and noterminal follicles are left.


Androgenic alopecia, vertical section: onlytwo hair follicles reach the subcutaneous fat. The rest are miniaturizedfollicles in the mid dermis.


Along with these changes, there is areduction in the duration of the hair follicle cycle at the expenses of theanagen phase. Therefore in patients with evolving androgenetic alopecia, orwhen it is fully established, it is very common to find an increment in thenumber of catagen and telogen follicles. The histological picture of the femalevariant is identical.



A mild to moderate lymphocytic inflammatorycell infiltrate frequently surrounds the upper third of the hair follicle. Theminiaturization of hair follicles affects the whole of the hair follicleincluding, finally, the arrector pili muscle and the sebaceous gland.



In the deeper sections, hair bulbs are presentat different depths, and focally they may be completely absent, only follicularstellae remaining. These stellae are seen in a variety of conditions andreflect either miniaturized follicles or else follicles that have enteredcatagen or telogen stage. 

As the stellae mature, they become lessvascularized, presenting as fibrous scars with a blue-gray hue. In lateandrogenic alopecia the stellae becomes abnormally thick and could impede thegrowth of the follicle (Fig. 22.52).


Androgenic alopecia, follicular stellae (a,B): as the follicles undergo miniaturization they leave behind numerousfollicular stellae. 雄性脱发:毛囊索卵泡 (a,B): 随着毛囊小型化,遗留了许多毛囊索。

The terminal to vellus hair ratio (7:1) ismuch reduced and varies from 1:1 or even 1:2. Although initially the number ofhair follicles is normal, in longstanding disease there can be a realreduction. A biopsy may therefore show a decrease in hair follicle density inaddition to diminution in size of the individual hair follicles. Sometimes theappearances may be more suggestive of a scarring alopecia (Fig. 22.53).


Androgenic alopecia, final stage:follicular units and miniaturized hair follicles are rare. In this advancedstage connective tissue has almost completely replaced follicular structuresand the appearances resemble a scarring alopecia.


Differential diagnosis

The most important differential diagnosesare diseases which present with diffuse nonscarring alopecia including telogeneffluvium, alopecia areata, and trichotillomania.



Although androgenetic alopecia may showincreased numbers of telogen hairs, telogen effluvium is clinically morediffuse and there are no miniaturized hair follicles. It is important, however,to note that both diseases may present simultaneously and that chronic telogeneffluvium may uncover occult androgenetic alopecia.



Alopecia areata may show miniaturized hairfollicles, particularly in very chronic cases. Characteristically, however,there is a major increase in the number of hair follicles in catagen, telogen,and anagen and usually a sparse peribulbar lymphocytic infiltrate is present,sometimes accompanied by eosinophils. Without adequate clinical information,distinction may be impossible.



In trichotillomania there are increasednumbers of hair follicles in catagen and telogen but in addition there istrichomalacia (short, incompletely keratinized hairs), pigmented casts, anddistortion of hair shafts.


(浙江省人民医院皮肤科 丁扬医生译)2017-11-9


