2018年07月31日 【健康号】 谢洋     阅读 7293

 要:[目的] 综合分析关节镜微创手术治疗不同时期膝关节骨性关节炎的疗效。[方法] 99例膝关节骨性关节炎患者结合Kellgren-Lawrence X线分级和Outerbridge 软骨损伤分级分为早、中、晚三期:早期36例;中期40例;晚期23例。均采用关节镜微创手术治疗。记录所有患者术前、术后1月、术后1Lysholm膝关节功能评分并进行综合分析。[结果] 患者均获得1年以上随访,全体患者术前膝关节Lysholm评分为52.7±4.7,术后1月为80.0±5.5,显著高于术前(P0.05) ,术后一年为71.3±13.5,显著高于术前(P0.05);早期患者术前评分为55.4±4.0,术后1月为83.3±4.8,显著高于术前(P0.05) ,术后一年为80.9±4.9,显著高于术前(P0.05) ;中期患者术前评分为52.3±4.3,术后1月为79.6±4.7,显著高于术前(P0.05) ,术后一年为74.9±6.2,显著高于术前(P0.05);晚期患者术前Lysholm评分为49.2±4.1,术后1月为75.7±4.7,显著高于术前(P0.05) ,术后一年为50.1±7.6,和术前无显著差异(P0.05) [结论] 关节镜微创手术治疗膝关节骨性关节炎具有一定疗效,对于早、中期患者疗效较好,但对于晚期患者远期疗效欠佳。马鞍山市人民医院骨科谢洋


Effect of Arthroscopy in Mini-invasive Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis

XIE YangLI Su-wanFU Guo-jianZHANG Guo-qiao

Department of OrthopaedicsThe People’s Hospital of Maanshan CityMaanshan243000China

Abstract[Objective] To provide a comprehensive evaluation of arthroscopy in mini-invasive surgery of knee osteoarthritis at different stages. [Methods] 99 patients of osteoarthritis were divided into three stages (namely, early, medium and late stages) in relation to the Kellgren-Lawrence Scale and the Outerbridge Scale, among which 36 patients were at early stage, 40 patients at medium stage and 23 patients at late stage. All patients were given mini-invasive surgery with arthroscopy. The Lysholm Scoring system was adopted to grade and analyze the knee function before surgery, one month after surgery and one year after surgery respectively. [Results] All patients were received more than one year follow-up. The Lysholm scores of all patients were 52.7±4.7 before surgery, 80.0±5.5 one month after surgery, and 71.3±13.5 one year after surgery; the scores after surgery (both after one month and one year) were significantly higher than that before surgeryP0.05). The Lysholm scores of early-stage patients were 55.4±4.0 before surgery, 83.3±4.8 one month after surgery, and 80.9±4.9 one year after surgery; the scores after surgery (both after one month and one year) were significantly higher than that before surgeryP0.05). The Lysholm scores of medium-stage patients were 52.3±4.3 before surgery, 79.6±4.7 one month after surgery, and 74.9±6.2 one year after surgery; the scores after surgery (both after one month and one year) were significantly higher than that before surgeryP0.05). The Lysholm score of late-stage patients was 49.2±4.1 before surgery; the score of one month after surgery was 75.7±4.7, significantly higher than that before surgeryP0.05); however the score of one year after surgery was 50.1±7.6, showing no significant difference from that before surgery (P0.05). [Conclusions] Arthroscopy presents positive effect in mini-invasive treatment of early- and medium-stage osteoarthritis, but its effect in treatment of late-stage osteoarthritis is undesirable.

Key wordsarthroscopy; mini-invasive; knee osteoarthritis; stages



骨科常见疾病,尤其擅长骨关节病的诊治(股骨颈骨折、股骨头坏死、髋关节发育不良、膝关节骨性关... 更多
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